Monday, March 30, 2009

Dear God

Thank you for my life. Please bless My Family, My Friends, and My Marley.


feelin a little lonely...

Ben Harper - Walk Away
Oh no
Here comes that sun again
That means another day
Without you my friend
And it hurts me
To look into the mirror at myself
And it hurts even more
To have to be with somebody else

And it's so hard to do
And so easy to say
But sometimes
Sometimes you just have to walk away
Walk away

With so many people to love in my life
Why do I worry about one ?
But you put the happy in my ness
You put the good times into my fun

And it's so hard to do
And so easy to say
But sometimes
Sometimes you just have to walk away
Walk away
And head for the door

We've tried the goodbye
So many days
We walk in the same direction
So that we could never stray
They say if you love somebody
Than you have got to set them free
But I would rather be locked to you
Than live in this pain and misery

They say time will
Make all this go away
But it's time that has taken my tomorrows
And turned them into yesterdays
And once again that rising sun
Is droppin' on down
And once again you my friend
Are nowhere to be found

And it's so hard to do
And so easy to say
But sometimes
Sometimes you just have to walk away
Walk away
And head for the door

You just walk away
Walk away
Walk away
Just walk a...
Walk on
Turn and head for the door
Just walk away - yeah

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Brought back to Reality.

Usually when I'm in the car I'm either daydreaming or listing to tunes, thinkin about stuff but I never really pay that much attention to my surroundings (besides the traffic of course.
Today I was at a red light and happened to look to my left and I noticed a homeless guy walking along the divider with a sign that said " Homeless for the first time, please help me and my kids, will work for food". I was so sad for him but the light turned green and so I moved on and at the next red light there was yet another homeless man with another sign. I looked around and on the other side of the street was a homeless woman with a sign and I saw yet an other man at another red light two minutes later. It was then that I started to get seriously choked up.

I'm so caught up in myself that I forget that I am so blessed to have a steady job, a roof over my head and food in my mouth. I have health insurance and hot water to bathe in at night. From this moment on I am going to stop complaining about the things I don't have and Appreciate what I do...My life could be so that's it. from now on I am simply, Thankful.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Lethal Weapon 4

I'm watching The movie and It really is funny as Hell! Gotta love Saturday nights when you have nothin to do...


It seems as if today every 2 hours something went wrong! This morning I woke up at 7:30 to text Kellie about breakfast and literally fell back asleep half way through the text therefore flaking on Kellie. Later I was washing dishes and dropped a plate and it broke in a thousand pieces at the very same time my creep of an ex called to booty call(yeah right)!

Then around 2:3O an old friend that I grew up with forwarded me a heart breaking text that his misguided ex sent him. She doesn't realize it now but she let one of the best catches in Southern California go. I hate when my friends are in pain. After that I decided to take a bath and read and while I was on a great part, I dropped the whole damn book in the water! An hour ago I was walking into my room and stubbed my toe on my bedroom door and it hurt like hell!! I'm baking a sample cake for a wedding meeting tomorrow, lets hope I don't burn it! Maybe tomorrow will be a good day. Fingers crossed. peace out!

Friday, March 27, 2009

More Blood work Today!

Its like the fourth time for the same thing. My white blood cell count better be low enough this time! I'm starving and my appointment Isn't until 430 and I have to fast. You know what sounds good....Chili Cheese Fries. yummo.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

11 days and counting!!

Come on Boys!!

as of today it has been...

166 days of No Smoking!