Sunday, March 29, 2009

Brought back to Reality.

Usually when I'm in the car I'm either daydreaming or listing to tunes, thinkin about stuff but I never really pay that much attention to my surroundings (besides the traffic of course.
Today I was at a red light and happened to look to my left and I noticed a homeless guy walking along the divider with a sign that said " Homeless for the first time, please help me and my kids, will work for food". I was so sad for him but the light turned green and so I moved on and at the next red light there was yet another homeless man with another sign. I looked around and on the other side of the street was a homeless woman with a sign and I saw yet an other man at another red light two minutes later. It was then that I started to get seriously choked up.

I'm so caught up in myself that I forget that I am so blessed to have a steady job, a roof over my head and food in my mouth. I have health insurance and hot water to bathe in at night. From this moment on I am going to stop complaining about the things I don't have and Appreciate what I do...My life could be so that's it. from now on I am simply, Thankful.